Why We Think We 'Need a Coffee' - Hidden Lesson for Home Business Owners (Training) - Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'
Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'

Why We Think We ‘Need a Coffee’ – Hidden Lesson for Home Business Owners (Training)

Imagine this. You wake up one morning and it’s early, like the sun isn’t even up. But you’ve got follow ups to make, appointments to book and prospects to turn into sales, so you decide to get up instead of going back to sleep.

You peel yourself out of bed, throw on a dressing gown, flick the light on and make your way downstairs.

Walking over to your kettle you go to the coffee pot and it’s EMPTY. Oh no! You forgot to go buy some more and you’ve ran out. What do you do?

blank-sheet-of-paper-with-ballpoint-and-coffee-cupWait! Stop and just think for a second…do you actually NEED a coffee or just it just a reflex, like getting ready for the day or doing your hair?

It’s not the actual coffee we crave. It’s the HABIT that actually begins to form our identity. Now that might be crazy 3am late night talking but when you think about it, it’s true! This is why places like Starbucks make some serious bank. People don’t go there for the coffee, although ultimately they do of course drink coffee. It’s the habit that they’ve created for themselves. So what’s interesting about this is that we can take this same habit and apply it to our business.

So the same way that we aim to pour water through hot beans, we should then take that energy to put into doing the important things we need to in our businesses. You know, the things we usually end up forgetting or putting off so much that they never get done. Yet you’re well aware that these are the things you MUST do in order to succeed!

What do I mean exactly? The best time to do important tasks for your business is in the morning. Look at someone like Ray Higdon who is a big name and trainer to a lot of home business owners and personal development industry. His daily routine consists of writing content, replying to emails, contacting his list, prospecting and doing all of the tasks that would otherwise be put off first thing in the morning, where there are no interruptions.

A great book I can recommend on this subject is Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog, which also goes into more detail about which tasks you should knock on the head early on. So really the hidden message is that the same way we wake up and think ‘Coffee!’ us as home based business owners should do the exact same when it comes to our necessary tasks. If necessary get up and hour or two earlier to ensure you leave time to get them done.woman-using-mobile-phone-with-disposable-cup-in-hand

While it’s not easy, it sure is worth it in the long run as the small effort done daily on a consistent basis will eventually bring consistent and long term results. So be sure to bring your list of tasks to do and smash them to pieces while you wait for your kettle to boil! 🙂

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0 thoughts on “Why We Think We ‘Need a Coffee’ – Hidden Lesson for Home Business Owners (Training)

    1. Seb Brantigan says:

      Thanks for the comment Aidan – care to elaborate though? 🙂

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