How to Get Free Leads for Network Marketing - End Lead Poverty Forever! - Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'
Seb Brantigan 'The Britpreneur'

How to Get Free Leads for Network Marketing – End Lead Poverty Forever!

Stumped with how to get free leads for network marketing? Need leads for your business?how to get free leads for network marketing

We all know that leads are what keeps a business growing and thriving. If we had more leads than we had time and didn’t need to spend a lot of our profits on advertising, wouldn’t that be the perfect equation? Today you’ll learn how to get free leads for network marketing, no matter what company you’re in and you can start applying these strategies to get leads from today.

Now there are a million and one ways to generate leads, but before I jump into how to get free leads for network marketing you MUST stick with one strategy until you master it and are consistently generating leads with it. At a push, you could do two strategies that work with each other e.g. Facebook and Instagram, as Facebook owns Instagram!

Social media, in my view, is the best way to get free leads for your network marketing business. It also duplicates really well, and virtually everybody you know has an account. Even if you don’t know many people in your network who are looking for an opportunity, there are millions of people on social networks who sure would be open (or are even actively looking) for one.

So what do we do to actually generate leads? The fastest way is to ask questions that help to solve a problem that a person may be having, such as how to generate leads in their own business.

Typically I only talk to existing business owners as they are on the path to success and abundance, and are already making it happen elsewhere. The best place to find these kinds of people to talk to are by searching on Facebook for business owners (ideally that are located near to you or have lots in common).

As an example, I would talk to a business owner who happens to be a network marketer, and ask them how are they are doing with generating leads. If they have no mentoring, no support and no alternative then you should offer them something that will help them get leads ASAP, such as a product or membership website with lead generation training in.

For a way to build your business, you can create marketing training that is exclusive to team members only and people then join to access the training. I’ve had many people join me because of how much value was offered and how many testimonials were created (make sure to share social proof as much as possible with your prospects).

Finally, make sure to promote results as much as possible, even while everyone is focused on promoting hype!

If you liked this post on how to get free leads for network marketing, you may also like my posts on how to get free home based business leads and generating network marketing leads free.


-Seb Brantigan
A.k.a. The Britpreneur
Get value? Let me know what you liked best on Facebook!
Skype: seb.brantigan

P.S. got value from these tips on how to get free leads for network marketing but still don’t have a proven, duplicatable system to get results?

Here’s the exact system I’ve used to generate over 3,746 leads online and make more than $10,124 in commissions from people who didn’t sign up in my primary biz, using no paid marketing.

Click here for the training video (unless you already get 20+ leads per day)

Also be sure to check out my resources page if you are looking for powerful tools to make your business more efficient and less time consuming, as well as my free training page for specific marketing and lead generation strategies.

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